10 March, 2008

Bookseller Stories #89

OK, so over the years of being a bookseller, I always thought the single dumbest question I was going to be asked would be, "Where is the NON-fiction section?". (One must remember that a good 65-70% or more of the Book Barn is non-fiction of some type or another...)

However, on Saturday I believe I have, if not in fact a replacement, than a contender:

"So, do you carry Harry Potter books?"

What my actual response was:

"Ah, sure - they are all over in the children's book section along the wall."

What my response should have been:


"OK, lets review. You are in the single biggest bookstore in the five-state area. The book series for which you are inquiring is only the single biggest bookselling phenomenon since, oh I don't know, THE BIBLE, with the final and most recent volume having been published only 7 months ago. Ya think that maybe, just maybe, we might have a Harry Potter book or two?!?!


"They are all over in the children's book section along the wall."

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